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Writer's picture: mariagrossmariagross

June 20, 2020 — Zone #7

On 6/19 I watched a webinar set up by LSM (Lake Stewards of Maine) on Metaphyton (aka Filamentous Algae.) Don posted that in our library.

Today I wanted to go out and see if I might find some (along with whatever else) in my zone. I noticed that growth of all native plants (especially Bladderwort) appeared sparse and short in height; Watershields are beginning to show a presence; Pickerelweed’s purple flowers were all nipped by the geese. I did find small clumps of green cloud-like Filamentous Algae lingering on many plant stalks especially in the Deans’ bay, right next to Marble Island.

Photos are included:

#1 A small clump of water shields around which was a combination of green Filamentous Algae, a strand of fish eggs in a milky white substance called “milt” holding them together, a waterlogged dragonfly next to eggs it had apparently laid and now progressing to different larvae stages and then, the treasure, a really teeny red water mite (!) floating along on the edge of it.

#2 GPS photo of Aquatic Moss, adhered to a rock and right next to it was Freshwater Sponge, adhered to another rock.

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Jun 22, 2020

June 22,2020 Zone #7, Grid #1834

In response to Don's comment looking for more info on the "Aquatic Moss" I had found on 6/20 I reached further into my correspondence with Amy during season 2019 and she referred to it as both "Aquatic moss" and as "Fontinalis." Here is a neat detailed description of it:

You can see it as almost a field of moss, stuck on rocks in the shallow water or it might be scattered collections of it in clumps.

The penny gives you an idea of proportion. Here the moss has long branches.

This shows the moss in early stages of growth.


Don Yurewicz
Don Yurewicz
Jun 22, 2020

The aquatic moss is very interesting. I don't think I've seen it before and there are no references to it in the Maine or New Hampshire field guides to aquatic plants. I did find a description in the "Aquatic Plants of Pennsylvania". What was the grid # where you found it? I'll create a post for it in the plants folder.

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