We now have a new tool to help track of your patrols on the lake. Our AIS map showing zones and grids is now available as a file with georeferencing imbedded in the file. That means the map can be downloaded and used in several different phone apps that let you see your position on the map as you are on the lake. You can also set it to record your track on the map so you can easily report the areas you’ve covered in your reports to Maria and/or myself, and in your posts on the AIS Blog. Jim Proulx and I have been using a similar depth map of the lake using the app Avenza Maps, and Rick Jacques has been using the app Maprika. There is a link to the AIS map for the lake on the website or you can follow this link and download a copy to whichever app you choose: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/9mviq0a53te6zwo8a14rt/AIS-Index-Map-2024.tif?rlkey=m88k3fv0drwqhp0nh7gtwa8wo&st=oi1q5a89&dl=0
The image below is a screenshot from my phone of a portion of the map covering Zone 1. The orange line is my track recorded on the app. I can easily see which parts of Zone 1 have been covered and which areas I need to check in the future. Depth is shown in contour intervals of 5'. The green line shows the 15' depth limit - the limit of aquatic growth in the lake. Invasives could occur anywhere inboard of this contour (although mostly likely in depths less than 10'). The yellow dots are rocks that have been mapped.
Let me know if what you think and if you have any questions.