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Name That Weed

Writer's picture: Rich & Christie GirouardRich & Christie Girouard

We ambled our way across the lake from zone 6 to zone 12 (Pentacook Cove). Upon entry to this long finger of water I wondered if we should have let someone know where we were going. It is quite removed from the hustle and bustle of water crafts and lake homes. But all is well, and a few deer fly bites later, we came, we went, and we saw.

I admit, we forgot our "gear". I had the book of species and the zones of the lake. So here I share in hopes of identification, as we could not quite figure out what this plant (pictured, not the one of Richie) might be. We did rule out that it is not invasive....I hope. Thanks to the kindness of Gitch (Ann) Whalen and her brother Charlie we have ease of access to the lake. We are most appreciative of their willingness to share their patch of grass. Cheers to all and we hope to see you out and about.

Christie & Richie

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2 comentarios

Don Yurewicz
Don Yurewicz
04 ago 2021

Hi Christie and Richie - I'm compiling all the zones and grids that have been covered so far - how much of Pennacook Cove did you cover and did you do any of South Cove?? Thanks, Don

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30 jun 2021

Christie and Richie .... thanks for getting down into Pennacook cove and posting your find. Please add the grids covered next time.

The photo is really difficult to see what the plant looks like ... Do you have other photos of it or a an image of a cross section showing us the leaf formation? If you do then please add them in the post especially when there is a need to identify the plant. The photo does allow us to have the lat/long and that could be really helpful. The weighted noodle is the next best way to find the site.

A note to Christie/Richie and everyone else....I figure that you don't have the plant in hand now, Christie,…

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