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Minutes for 2019 WWP Roundup Meetings - Sept 28 and Oct 5

CLCA Weed Patrol

Updated: Jun 19, 2020

Conway Lake Invasive Weed Patrol

Minutes of 2019 Roundup Meetings

September 28 and October 5, 2019

Two Weed Patrol roundup meetings for the 2019 summer were held on September 28, 2019 and October 5, 2019 at the home of Maria and Tom Gross. Each meeting began at 9 A.M. Persons attending the Sept 28 meeting were: Maria Gross (Chair), Bill Petry, Sue Cummings, John Edgerton, Theresa Einhorn, Tom Gross, Julie Hoyt, Jacqueline Stanton, and Don Yurewicz. Persons attending the Oct 5 meeting were: Maria Gross (Chair), Theresa Einhorn, Brad Gaudreault, Christie & Richie Girouard, Rose Hache, Dean Malouta, Kathy Siranosian, and Don Yurewicz. Private meeting with Ace Tarberry on Oct 17.


1. Look over the entire list of teams for any correction—contact info + choice of zone(s)

• Want to change anything?

2. Look at map of Cliff Cabral’s hotspots.

3. Maria distributed copies of the zone assignments, asked all persons attending to confirm

their contact info and asked whether anyone wanted to change his/her zone.

4. To facilitate recording patrols Don offered 2 different new options:

• map of a zone (imagine yours), enlarged, that a patroller could mark both the

patrol’s date and what part of the zone patrolled.

• map of the entire lake with zones outlined to allow patrollers to mark both the

patrol’s date + mark out how much of the zone(s) patrolled + any another zones

added on any patrol. This will be reintroduced in 2020 Kickoff.


• This summer Lake Hosts discovered invasive species on two separate trailers. One was confirmed to be from Lake Winnipesaukee (owner-owned boat) and the other was from Connecticut (rented boat). Neither boat owner had any idea that his trailer could be carrying an invasive species and both owners were upset about the discovery. Judy stated the Conn. boat renter was aware of invasive species and was upset his boat and trailer were not cleaned at time of rental. The boat owner from Winnipesaukee was “clueless” about what invasive plants were (!) Both parties left the landing to wash their boats returned for re-inspection and eventual launch into the lake.

• Maria reported that our diver Cliff Cabral has been harvesting various invasive plants at other lakes in NH + Maine (those nearest Conway are Milton NH, Parsons Field ME, Ossippee river/lake system NH, and Long Lake ME.) Note also that he has been working several years on a discovered hybrid of native and variable milfoil plants in Collins, ME, near Sebago Lake. That plant has become prolific, huge and tenacious.

• Maria wants to emphasize to all patrollers the importance of patrolling Cliff’s recognized “hotspots” on Conway lake whenever possible on any patrol or recreational outing.

These are places where fisherman hang out and where wind and water currents can push loose vegetation.

• North end of the lake: the Channel to Scribner’s Point, Andrew’s Point to Loon

Island, and the Thorne Islands

• Mid Lake: Picnic Island, Rocky outcrops just south of Conway Beach Club,

Wiley Brook, and Cove Camp Grounds.

• South end of the lake: Pentacook Cove, rocky outcroppings in zone 9, and South Cove, including zones 10 + 11.

• Need help patrolling Breezy Point area (Zone 14). No patroller has been able to really take it on.

• Water is warmer this summer. Plants are growing more abundantly.

• Plant species and growth patterns can be different each year!! They are not reliably

found in the same spot as in previous year(s). BE SURE TO IDENTIFY THE NEW

GROWTHS … know what you are seeing.

• Many lake residents passing by So Cove during the summer have noted increased kayak and canoe activity over the last few years. In addition, more canoes or kayaks with trolling motors have been seen in South Cove. A huge rock recently placed there makes it harder to put in, but people are getting around it with small craft. At least larger craft can’t be backed into the cove. NOTE: there are far less cars able to park at the launch area b/c of the many strategically placed boulders – last year 1 or 2 and this year there are 8 or 9.

• AmySmagula is emphasizing that with increased travel between water bodies and across state lines, the reality of invasive aquatic animals is ever increasing (especially, Asian Clam, Chinese Mystery Snail, Zebra Mussel, and Spiny Water Flea.)

• Only the Asian Clam has been found in southern NH in 8 sites.

• The challenge is that we can’t necessarily see larvae to remove it, it needs to be washed off.

• Spiny water flea is especially worrisome because it is so small. For illustrations

see laminated sheet that Amy distributed to all of us.

• Lake Chaplain in Vermont (only 4 hours away) has 50 known invasive species, of which Asian Clam, Fishhook Water Flea, and Zebra mussel are included,

• Finger Lakes in New York are infested with Asian clam, Spiny Water Flea,

Fishhook Water Flea, and Zebra mussel among many other species.

• Shoes of any boater can be contaminated.

• Use the Patrol Teams – Maria emphasizes that everyone should know their team

members and actively back up each other to patrol at least every month; twice a month is better

• Maria suggests that once a season patrollers aim to sharpen your plant knowledge together by exploring South Cove (zones 10 + 11) that has the most diverse plants of any area on Conway lake.

• John - Suggests that frequent patrolling later in the summer is very important b/c that’s when you see the most growth.

• Maria asked whether it is boring to patrol the same area over and over? Group’s

consensus – no.

• MG asked whether the zones were laid out easily? Group’s consensus – yes.

Action Item: If patrollers will send their information to Maria and Don showing where they

patrolled, Don will put together a map by the end of the season to show what areas were actually

patrolled this summer. This way we can determine what areas need to

be better covered.

Second Agenda Item: REVIEW OF TOOLS

1. References for Plant ID

• DES material

• Amy’s book, Aquatic Plants and Algae

• Small photo handbook of Conway Lake plants

• Laminated handout sheets

• Maine’s Field Guide

• Maine’s web sites:

• Interactive invasive aquatic species website:

o Interactive map for locations of infestations:


2. Tool Bag: What should be on every patrol.

• Weighted marker + labeled flag

• White plastic trays for closer observation+ use to transport plants for closer study

• Scissors to snip plants’ cross-sections

• Loupe or any other type of magnification

• Camera for photos

• Camera with GPS – “Solocator” App - For exact positioning.

3. Additional new items for consideration (will be re-introduced at 2020 Kickoff meeting)

• Papered zone maps of entire lake to help record each patrol through the summer

 Don’s “grid map” for each zone to use if you’re without your GPS

 A waterproof bag specifically for cell phone camera use while on the patrol.


 The tools listed above were discussed. Maria demonstrated use of the white trays and

mentioned that she has extra ones to distribute.

 Can have any sheets/guide books laminated at Minute Man.

 Maria emphasized the importance of the following:

o Amy’s book, Aquatic Plants and Algae + Maine’s Field Guide for additional info.

o If you see something, it is essential to mark the spot with a float, sinker, and

labeled flag that says: “Possible invasive weed; Please do not remove”

o Importance of longitude and latitude coordinates. Use GPS App: Solocator.

It is free. Latitude and longitude coordinates will appear on the photo; then send


the photo to yourself. Can go back and find the exact spot by placing these

coordinates onto Google Maps. Brad suggested that it would be even more

effective to place the GPS onto “US Topo maps” – free app (https://www.topo- that can read the GPS point in water where Google Maps is found to

get “confused” when there is no street or road (!)

 The usefulness of the plastic phone pouch was discussed. You can take pictures through

it; can be worn around the neck or attached to the boat.

 Maria noted that for any picture you take for Amy: SO IMPORTANT that photo is sent in

large resolution, include a cross section showing the plant’s leaf configuration, and any

kind of flower and/or root. Can send directly to Amy, no need to go thru Maria. Please

share what you learned.

 Vests were discussed: Maria found that when she wears hers, she gets a different

reaction from boaters—they asked questions and want to learn what she is doing.

Christie and Richie agreed + found it comfortable to wear; Richie noted that if the vests

are not large enough for someone whose size is XL, they can be adjusted by cutting side


Third Agenda Item: ACCOUNTABILTY as a group of volunteers

Tasks as patrol members:

 Continue to sharpen your knowledge of both native and invasive aquatic plants

 Know difference between “seeing” a presumed native plants and “identifying” it ….

Dangers of hybrids.

 To patrol and report regularly through the season.

 Work as a “team” to patrol for each other, if need be + help with plant ID

 Recruit more patrollers

1. How do you remember to go out?

2. Do you know your zone team? Have their contact information?

3. If you didn’t (couldn’t) go out to patrol for an extended time this summer—Did you let

your team know?

4. How do you record your patrol/ or report findings?

 Options:

o Post on Facebook.

o Share directly with Maria or Don

o If none of the above, how do you record the season’s patrols?

5. How can we share material, questions, discoveries?

 Use FB?

o How many of you have joined FB? Any reactions to the material posted?

o How many don’t intend to join?

o Do you have other preferred platforms?

 Do we need an Aug meeting/gathering for a team energy boost?

o If so, we can permanently set the week after the annual CLCA meeting.

(Most people are here in August.)


o Go visit South Cove in groups of 3 with Maria or Don for a Lab


 Maria noted the importance of knowing who is on your team, their contact info, and

communicating with them.

 Maria noted the importance of sharing plant findings. There was discussion around the

use of Facebook - many people do not use Facebook and don’t want to. At the October

meeting Kathy mentioned the possibility of a private blog.

Action Item: Maria (and Kathy) will follow up with more research on setting up a private blog

for the patrol. Could be the most inviting alternative to Facebook. Maria and Kathy will work

on it before 2020 Spring Kickoff.

 Consensus: In the meantime, those who do not want to use Facebook can prepare a

report (written or an annotated map) email a copy of it to Don. He has offered to post it

to Facebook.

o Don passed out maps, one showing all the lake’s zones and another of each zone,

enlarged. People can use to mark up. Name, date, and add whether anything was

found. To be followed up at 2020 Spring Kickoff.

 Dean noted that a way to infuse energy into patrolling is to get to know new plants.

 Christy underlined how in August there is much to seen in South Cove with its high

diversity of plants and thick growth.

 Discussed whether to consider having a summer intern, e.g. an intern science student or

other similar person, to supplement the current weed watching efforts of Cliff Cabral and

the volunteer weed patrol under Maria’s direction and leadership.

Action Item: MG and Don will organize some group morning (9:30 AM) outings next year in

August in South Cove. We could get together as a group and then fan out into smaller groups.

Action Item: Have a practical demonstration set up at Annual CLCA meeting in August.

Maria will ask Cliff Cabral to bring both native and look-alike invasive plant specimens.

Action Item: Maria will ask Amy Smagula if she thinks there would be a benefit to hiring a

summer intern mentioned above. And if so, whether there are any other lakes that do this. Will

also ask director Andrea La Molineaux at NH Lakes whether she might know about such a set up

at another NH lake.


Spreading the NH Lakes message of CD3. How?

1. Be visible

 Wear Patrol vest,

 Speak to other boaters

 Introduce yourself to lakeside homeowners

 Patrol beyond your assigned zone.

2. Recruit volunteers and family

3. Train new patrollers:


 Students from HS community outreach program (Know any HS teachers?)

 Boy scout group searching for Merit badge projects?

 Businesses like REI who are doing community outreach?

4. Distribute Packet with NH Lakes pamphlet + cover letter re CD3.

 Hand out to 5 neighbors to left and right of home

 Hand out to anyone you know who rents their home out.


One Page Letter: MG passed around the one-page letter that Dean had drafted last year,

revised by Maria & Don, to give to new residents and renters. The letter is to be

accompanied with the NH lakes pamphlet (Clean Drain Dry & Dispose) and a

NH Lakes Clean/Drain/Dry sticker.

o Consensus: The letter is really good and the packet a good accompaniment.

o Ace (marketing background) suggested that it could be enhanced with a catchy

word or phrase to catch the reader.

 Discussed how to ensure that realtors provide a copy to all new homeowners on the lake.

Kathy noted that there was no information about this at the home she recently purchased.

She would have liked getting it.

 Important to give it to owners who rent out their homes.

Action item: Ace will work on how to enhance the packet’s “marketability” and present at the

Kickoff 2020 for discussion.

Action Item: Bill suggested that we give the packet to Judy and ask her to distribute to all

boaters as they leave the lake. Maria will discuss with Judy the feasibility of doing this.

Action Item: Dean will give it to Jim Salmon to distribute to members of Stritch Rd


Action Item: Kathy will confirm that it can be distributed to members of

Walker Pond Road Association.

Action Item: Maria will present the packet to the Fall CLCA Board meeting. She will also

present it to the entire patrol at 2020 Kickoff meeting.

Fifth Agenda Item: NEW BUSINESS

1. Reaction to the CD3 WASH UNIT at the Conway lakebeach


 How to participate as part of our concerns for lake’s water quality

 Dean’s “red flag”

 Conway Lake Watershed map

o Look atcurrent map of East/West stream water sites

o Need to add northern shoreline coverage. Where exactly?

o Bob Craycraft of UNH Extension will come for the Spring’s stream collection

and review the current and proposed sites for stream sampling for all of the

lake’s watershed areas. (Currently all weekly lake samples are sent to him

during the summers.)

3. Who wants to join the teams of either the East, West or North collection?


 To be done twice a year, if possible–

o Spring—during spring rains and snow runoff

o Fall—any time after any major rainstorms and especially before the winter

freeze/snow sets in.


 CD3 Wash Unit – this is owned by NH Lakes Association. Cost starts at $25,000. Runoff

gets captured within, it’s self-contained. Solar powered. It needed its solar panel

repaired before it was stationed at Conway Lake beach parking lot late in the season.

And was barely used. Discussed benefits and disadvantages. Potential benefi t- the newly

passed 2020 NH law indicates if a method of boat cleaning is available at any launch

area, it must be used. Discussed potential disadvantages: high cost; cost of maintenance

and storage; responsibility of ownership; vandalism. Discussed the question of how we

would (not) know if it is being used correctly knowing that the lake hosts could not take

on this responsibility. Bill expressed the view that it is too expensive; the viable

alternative is that the Lake Hosts can send people to the Center Conway fire station or to

the No Conway car was. (NOTE: the Lake Hosts report people are already cooperative

dong that.) Also Bill reported: of the 2,000 motorboats that go into Conway lake, only

5% sign up for the tagging system.

Action Item: consider asking NH Lakes Assoc. if renting the machine is an option.

 Discussed the article circulated by Maria (rec’d from Dean) – Lake Hopatcong (a NJ

lake similar in size to Conway Lake), is an example of a lake threatened by dangerous

algae. The Sierra Club wrote that “The pollution in Lake Hopatcong is predicted to

worsen, people living around the Lake Hopatcong will be unable to use it, and the lake

will become a stagnant pool of polluted water, creating an environmental and public

health disaster.” The NY Times reported that the discovery has sparked a heated debate

among New Jersey politicians about how best to tackle the issue of toxic algae, including

whether towns should charge property owners fees based on how much storm water they


 Discussed the situation on Ossipee Lake – It is fighting an invasive plant with herbicide;

people can’t swim in a huge area.

 Water Sampling Discussion:

o There is concern that cutting of trees on north side of the Lake is contributing to

increased runoff into the lake. Need to consider taking stream samples from the

lake’s northern watershed which has not been included in past collections. Dean

and Don noted North Brook drains portions of the land being cleared. It should

be sampled at the point where it crosses Kimball lane.

o Don created a map of Conway lake’s watersheds. On it he added yellow dots for

the streams around the lake where water samples are currently being taken and

red dots where the lake samples are currently being taken.

o Bob Craycraft of UNH Extension will come for Spring collection and review the

current and proposed sites for stream sampling from the lake’s different

watersheds. Date to be determined.


o Stream samples are collected twice a year –

 Spring during runoff

 Fall especially after any major rainstorms and before the winter

freeze/snow set in.

o Need volunteers to join the East side of Conway lake (handled by Maria), West

side of Conway lake (currently handled by Rick Gronneberg) or the new site(s) on

the North side of the lake. Don, Bill, and Ace volunteered to assist in sampling the

North and West sides. For later discussion and confirmation.

Action Item: Maria will ask Bob Craycraft in the spring about collecting stream sample(s) on

the North side and where would he suggest. Bob stated an interest to review the current sites on

the West side. Maria will also ask Rick Gronneberg if he needs assistance with stream sampling

on the West shoreline.

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