Patrolled the eastern half of Paige Brook last Friday (8/2/24) and there was an abundance of Native Water Naiad along the southern shore (grids 38 and 44).

Checked multiple samples both by touch and by inspecting clippings using a magnifier and saw no spines on the leaves that would indicate the invasive Spiny Water Naiad. I have to say however that, from my perspective, the invasive form would be easy for me to miss in dense growths containing both the Native and Spiny Water Naiad.
There was the usual cast of aquatic vegetation including several types of pondweed, water shield, floating heart, lots of yellow and white (including pink) water lillies, "grassy" spike rush, floating bur reed, bladderwort, and pickererweed. Earlier this year "grassy" spike rush and thin-leaf pondweed dominated the submerged plants but now bladderwort is taking over.
Greatly enjoyed using Don's tracking tool. Note, I was unable to check grid 50 due to the density of water lilies.
